You're about
to build
the booty
side effects may include: high- fives from strangers, people asking "how you did it", double-taking yourself in the mirror, butt grabs from your main squeeze, and through the roof confidence.
Do you want to build bigger, more defined, and fuller glutes in
just 6 weeks?
Instead of stressing about how not to eat all the extra calories this holiday season, just put them to use building the butt you want!
Earn the body you want and beat the "diet" guilt by putting the holiday calories to work!
Workout ANYWHERE - home, gym, on the road
Minimal equipment - 1 set of dumbbells, swiss ball, weighted pack, resistance band (all available online) - modifications available if needed
Flexible workout schedule - complete your three workouts per week any day you choose
Don't waste time in the gym - get results fast with 30-45 minute workouts
Build your confidence - look good in (or out) of your clothes
Quit stressing about the holiday junk food - put the holiday calories to use instead of beating yourself up!
Personal and Professional Coaching for less than $10 a week!
For just $57 this 6-week program will put you on the fast track to strengthening
your lower body, building your butt and boosting your confidence.
Take the guesswork out of it and quit trying to do the
crazy crap those IG fitness models are posting.
Join THE GLUTE SHOP, with decades of proven results, and see your booty goals come to life.
Build accountability by signing in on your fitness app
Complete the 3 weekly workouts on your calendar
Give your best at every training session
Leave the excuses at the door
Reap the benefits
Don't stress about changing any other habits - just 3 workouts per week.
That's booty gains in just 18 workouts!
What if I'm new to exercise?
Every part of this program can be modified to meet you at YOUR fitness level.
How will I know if I'm doing it right?
Every exercise comes with a short video (right in the training app) that will show you the correct form!
What if I want more?
Courtney offers 1:1 custom training plans and personal coaching calls. If You need more help there are great options for a more in-depth plan.
What if I need to reschedule a workout?
Any of your workouts can be dragged and dropped to a new day! Makeup missed workouts or reschedule your workouts based on your schedule and lifestyle!
I need accountability to stay on track - will this help me?
Your coach shows up throughout the week to help you stay on track, set weekly goals, and support you on your fitness journey!